Longleaf Industrial is a nimble, boots on the ground, industrial development company. We specialize in providing highly functional buildings for industrial occupiers. As a company we aim to emulate the characteristics of the Longleaf Pine. We will continue to grow deep roots in the southeast. Focus intently on quality for sites, buildings and service. Build a durable, strong team, that will always choose the high ground of integrity.

Founder, Tim Brent, resides in North Carolina with his wife, Eva, and their two children, Leni and Boone. Born in Canada, Tim was blessed with a successful 12-year professional hockey career, simultaneously personally investing in real estate. Transitioning from hockey, Tim has used that same drive and work ethic to fuel his real estate career. With a wealth of expertise in site acquisition and entitlements, Tim boasts a comprehensive understanding of the industrial sector, having spearheaded a 5 million square foot southeast industrial platform for a national development firm, prior to founding Longleaf Industrial.